Saturday, July 17, 2010



When I think of Microsoft's PowerPoint, I think of a great teaching tool for students as it is great opportunity to engage them using a variety of applications. PowerPoint Applications can vary from video, audio, text, images, charts and animations which can help cater for the vast majority of learning styles such as auditory / visual or even kinesthetic. PowerPoint has become a very popular presentation tool which teachers and students can easily use to present information.
It is affective way of teaching through a visual program instead of reading from a textbook, in which it engages students as they can view the powerpoint and they are motivated to keep watching it to facilate their learning.Plus i believe it is more appealing to them in which can anable them to take notes from the presentation and ask particular questions referring to that slide instead of researching through a textbook. As a teacher we can present the information of the powerpoint slides or we can be a backdrop to the presentation through the different forms of media applications it provides. As we head into the future i believe powerpoint will grow further and provide us teachers with a great teaching tool to expand our students knowledge of our subjects through the applications of media of the program to suit their learning styles.


Frameworks For Learning Design! Engagement Theory

The Framework i have chosen to review and suits the needs of the digital learning design in this modern world is the Engagement theory. I believe as this is a more open learning theory mostly based on group work to the others based on individuals. Students have the potential to learn more and be actively involved with one another. Through doing assessments or class tasks the engagement theory gets more students involved through the process of creating, problem solving,reasoning, decision making, evaluation and team work through motivation of the project at hand which all students feel encouraged to participate and work together.

Principles of the engagement theory are:

Relate: emphasizes on team effort through communcation/planning and social skills. Collaboration between students of information research, group project meetings through facilating /motivating learning.

Create: Empasizes of creating a purposeful activity, defining the project, effort of their application to the project. Plus conducting their own project as it is more appealing to them and they have more control of it instead of their teacher.

Donate: value of making a contribution to the project and learning, has a outside interest attached to the project and focus on a subject, authentic learning context of the project increases student motivation and satisfaction.

This theory has to be taught by teachers to facilate students in being in engaged with one another- they can teach it through mini tasks of collaboration of pairing students up or in small groups in class to solve a problem or work as a team in a sporting match plus falicating email between students is a great way of working on engagement.Collarboration still has to be taught to students over time to gain confidence of working together plus leadership,time managment, scheduling are also important parts of this theory.

Moving on from collaboration of learning with one another is project oriented learning. Project oriented learning is through mini tasks handed to students by their teachers to research a certain topic of interest and report their findings back to the class. Students can take on leadership, main researcher or even editor of the report to facilate the group through different roles of team members. Teachers also recommend that your facilate your learning with different students each time you do a project to further enhance your learning,social life and hear different points of view. To this is where authentic focus comes in for the projects to be completed in an academic context with a realistic focus attached to them. Authentic focus comes in the form of a outside realistic influence of group projects in gaining further knowledge,expectations and facilate learning-Realistic influences include: Universities,Work Experience, Part Time Jobs or sporting teams of examples of focus of work colleagues and team projects.

To sumerise the engagement theory that it is very different from the other learning theories as this one focuses more on group collaboration of students working together to facilate their learning in groups or in paris to achieve a project outcome while learning leadership,group roles , social & knowledge differences. Instead of being individuals, but it is still up to the individual to participate in the project and put themselves forward to learn and collaborate through this theory.

As for one of my teaching subjects being HPE, it is very important to facilitate my students through working on tasks together through different skills / drills of the sports i teach. As this develops team work / social intereaction between students as they work together to compete the skill or drill of that particular sport by inspiring and problem solving together to complete the task at hand. Example: Basketball- Bounce passing to one another while moving up the court and timing their run into the hoop while problem solving of who is closest to the hoop to score.


Websites are very common in today's modern society and are a great teaching tool for all students: They offer many advantages in sourcing and providing information on all subjects relating to school work or anything you can think of to google. I believe the right websites relating to your teaching subject can provide the right information if the students research websites that are certified or authored correctly. Which provide the right information to them on the topic they are researching or as a teacher providing yourself with the right information to use as a teaching tool to your students. Websites are an effective way of providing students with the information, ability to view videos or sounds relating to topics and they cater for all types of learning abilities in visual or auditory through written information and videos. As a teacher we have the opportunity to use the website technology to support the learning of our students and introduce them to new media and different points of view through the application of websites. A Example of a website Application for teaching purposes, would be to research a certain skill of a sport basing it on a different point of view from an athelte or professional in that sport and hearing/watching them explain there views on the certain skill or reading from their article. So the students are enagage to listen to a different point of view of the skill from yours as the teacher.

Please View My Weebly Website: Link:


Wiki's What Are They? Arent They The Same As A Blog? Lets Find Out!!

Wiki's are a webpage on the internet, they are like a blog in many ways in the same way of writing a paragraph, diary entry posted on the internet. In many ways they link to one another through the same style, but have different aspects and applications to a blog. On a blog you write your paragraph and your friends or families can post comments or quotes to complete the package of the blog. With a wiki, friends / family or even class mates at university have the power of editing your information on the subject you have written about- through fixing spelling errors / punctuation or even adding in extra information to the subject you have writen about or even change the information when new information arises in the future. It is a on going webpage of infotmation with people having the power change or add things to the wiki at the click of a button.

I believe it is a great learning tool as it continues building knowledge between students and teachers as they post new information on the site, as it is an on going process of knowledge in a way of building a book on a subject in a hard copy, but in this case creating a wiki page. With students being able to see the updates and further enhance there knowledge and understanding. Example of a great wiki page, further enhancing knowledge and constructing a page: The Korean national school on 21st century learning video clip on you tube, which is located under the moodle information page of Practical Activity: Week 2 - Wiki and Website.

I believe we get more benefit out of a wiki page, as you can construct and change information on the subject and able to build on an existing knowledge base. Whereas i believe a blog is a personal point view of something somebody has written and you can only comment on their point of view. Whereas the wiki page you have the power to improve their information or add in different points of view and is more open to change. With the blog you can only comment or quote and it is a disvantage to the learners with seeing only one point of view-I see you can agree or disagree through posting comments, but then its up to the author of the blog to change their information if they wish too. I personally believe for the 21st century learner,the wiki page is the way to go in assisting and gaining more knowledge for themselves and they are able to build on those skills and further enhance their knowledge through this process.

Please Note: I have created my very own wiki page for this class and at the present moment it is very basic: Link:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Concept Maps??

Concept Maps? What are they? Are they effective?

Concept maps are a great source of information of a subject through a diagram and are a practial way of developing effective brainstorming techniques within learners. The Concept begins with one key word in the middle of the diagram, which then the learners must brainstorm ideas which link to that key word. Those ideas must have a relationship to the key word and link with one another. Learners can also add links to the outside ideas if they are able to come up with any possible answers.

Example of a concept Map: Key Word (Fitness) idea Links: Cardiovascular, Muscular Endurance / Strength, Running, Walking, General Sport and so on. As you can see the key word is fitness- which our ideas are types of fitness applications hence linking those applications with the key word. Learners can also add links to the oringal ideas such as cardiovascular- example: running / walking / swimming which are all types of cardiovascular training to grow the concept map further and to which enhances the learners knowledge, logical thinking and brainstorming ability.

The concept map is a great brainstorming activity and is a way of representing relations between ideas or words. With each word or idea connected to one another and linked back to the original component. Through this concept the learners develop logical thinking and study skills, by revealing connections how individual ideas form a larger picture of that topic, with the concept map being an effective way to help learners grasp the content, enhance there knowledge and study skills.

What Is A Blog??

What Is A Blog?? You may be thinking? Guess what it's your lucky day and i will give you a brief discription of it!

A Blog:

They form part of a website or in this case of the blog i am writing now, it is on a specific blog website. Blogs are like a internet base document like word but on the internet, once you have posted the blog, your friends can make comments and quotes on it to complete the package of the blog. As the blogger you have the power to edit your work as somethink arises or update the specfic news on your blog. Each blog can be based on individual writing of current news / sport, family news or personal views on a subject. You can add graphics or videos to add more interest to the blog you are currently writing or post it to support your views on the subject. Each blog can be in the format of a essay, paragraph,diary entry, news entry but its virtually up to the blogger in which way they wish to set out the blog. In this blog i am currently writing, it is in the form of a paragraph. Blogs are a common practice in todays 21st century, with bloggers being all types of people from journalists, teachers, office workers or even teengers expressing there views on a subject or creating news for family / friends or community.

To sum up what is a blog, a blog is a piece of information placed on the internet in the form of a paragraph,story or news piece. Where the authors can express their views or news on the subject, Plus friends and families can add comments or quotes to complete the piece and discuss the details of information associated with the blog.

I believe Blogs can be very effective in a modern society at schools or universities. As it is a way of networking between teaching staff and students- as a teacher it can be very effective i believe through posting homework tasks, upcoming assessment tasks or key dates of the term to inform the students. Plus with the comments and quotes option it gives the students the chance to discuss those details through this application on the blog websites and the teacher has the chance to discuss,clear up any concerns or help those students away from set class times through providing extra information on their subject.